
Metaethics is an engaging and argumentative textbook introducing advanced students to the cutting edge of the debate in one of the most exciting areas of contemporary philosophy. Kirchin covers key topics, including varieties of moral realism, error theory, noncognitivism, and a brand new position;...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autor Corporativo: SpringerLink (Servicios en línea) (-)
Otros Autores: Kirchin, Simon autor (autor)
Formato: Libro electrónico
Publicado: London : Palgrave Macmillan UK 2012.
Colección:Palgrave Philosophy Today
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Sumario:Metaethics is an engaging and argumentative textbook introducing advanced students to the cutting edge of the debate in one of the most exciting areas of contemporary philosophy. Kirchin covers key topics, including varieties of moral realism, error theory, noncognitivism, and a brand new position; metaethical pluralism.
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