Reading Tocqueville From Oracle to Actor

This volume sets up a dialogue between the 'historical' and the 'contemporary' Tocqueville. How does a contextualization of Tocqueville, or a focus on his embeddedness in nineteenth-century political culture, add to our understanding of his political thought? How has the use of h...

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Autor Corporativo: SpringerLink (Servicios en línea) (-)
Otros Autores: Geenens, Raf (-), Dijn, Annelien De
Formato: Libro electrónico
Publicado: London : Palgrave Macmillan UK 2007.
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Sumario:This volume sets up a dialogue between the 'historical' and the 'contemporary' Tocqueville. How does a contextualization of Tocqueville, or a focus on his embeddedness in nineteenth-century political culture, add to our understanding of his political thought? How has the use of his writings in political debate influenced the reception of his work?
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