Beckett’s Proust/Deleuze’s Proust

An encounter between Deleuze the philosopher, Proust the novelist, and Beckett the writer creating interdisciplinary and inter-aesthetic bridges between them, covering textual, visual, sonic and performative phenomena, including provocative speculation about how Proust might have responded to Deleuz...

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Autor Corporativo: SpringerLink (Servicios en línea) (-)
Otros Autores: Bryden, Mary (-), Topping, Margaret
Formato: Libro electrónico
Publicado: London : Palgrave Macmillan UK 2009.
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Sumario:An encounter between Deleuze the philosopher, Proust the novelist, and Beckett the writer creating interdisciplinary and inter-aesthetic bridges between them, covering textual, visual, sonic and performative phenomena, including provocative speculation about how Proust might have responded to Deleuze and Beckett.
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