Afro-Eccentricity Beyond the Standard Narrative of Black Religion

Afro-Eccentricity explores three overlapping stories of Black Religion: the Soul, Black Church, and Ancestor Narratives. Hart contends that these narratives dominate most accounts of Black Religion that, collectively, he calls the "Standard Narrative of Black Religion.".

Detalles Bibliográficos
Autor Corporativo: SpringerLink (Servicios en línea) (-)
Otros Autores: Hart, William David autor (autor)
Formato: Libro electrónico
Publicado: New York : Palgrave Macmillan US 2011.
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Sumario:Afro-Eccentricity explores three overlapping stories of Black Religion: the Soul, Black Church, and Ancestor Narratives. Hart contends that these narratives dominate most accounts of Black Religion that, collectively, he calls the "Standard Narrative of Black Religion.".
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