Technical writing a guide for effective communication

"This book is intended to be a practical and clear guide to engineering students who need to familiarize themselves with the characteristics of technical writing in order to become efficient writers in their future technical professions. To this purpose, it includes authentic texts and referenc...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autor principal: Bombardó Solés, Carmen (-)
Otros Autores: Aguilar, Marta, Barahona Fuentes, Clàudia
Formato: Libro electrónico
Publicado: Barcelona : Edicions UPC 2007
Colección:Politext. Ciències, cultura i societat
Politext ; 177
Acceso en línea:Accés restringit als usuaris de la UPC, UB, UAB, UPF, UdG, UdL, URV, UOC, BC, UVic-UCC, URL i UIC
Ver en Biblioteca Universitat Ramon Llull:
Sumario:"This book is intended to be a practical and clear guide to engineering students who need to familiarize themselves with the characteristics of technical writing in order to become efficient writers in their future technical professions. To this purpose, it includes authentic texts and reference materials from different degrees (general engineering, telecommunications, computing, civil engineering, etc.) and fosters extensive writing practice through a rich variety of tasks. Besides, this guide develops active learning methods adapted to the European Higher Education Area framework. The book follows three approaches (process, product and genre), the process approach being the central one to which the other two are subsumed. This is reflected in the organization of the contents, which have been basically divided into three main parts. The first is a thorough introduction to technical communication. The second includes three practical chapters that fully develop the main stages of the writing process (pre-writing, writing and post-writing) and the third offers a useful handbook" -- Iniciativa Digital Politècnica
Notas:Reimpressions: 2008
Descripción Física:1 recurs electrònic