Tabla de Contenidos:
  • The Q+/Papias hypothesis
  • Papias's exposition of logia about the Lord: Introduction to part 1: salvaging a textual shipwreck ; Textual reconstruction ; Book 1. Preface and John's preaching ; Book 2. Jesus in Galilee and Judea ; Book 3. Jesus in Jerusalem ; Book 4. Jesus' death and resurrection ; Book 5. events after Jesus' resurrection ; Papias and Luke-Acts ; Luke's knowledge of Papias's exposition and the synoptic problem ; Luke's knowledge of the gospel of Mark ; Luke's knowledge of the gospel of Matthew ; Did Luke know Papias's second "translation" of Matthew?
  • The logoi of Jesus: Introduction to part 2: salvaging another textual shipwreck ; Matthew's non-Markan source (Q without Luke) ; The quest for minimal Matthew's Q (MQ- ) ; The quest for expanded Matthew's Q (MQ+) ; The logoi of Jesus (Q+) and its antetexts ; Luke-Acts and the lost gospel ; The lost gospel as a prophetic rewriting of Deuteronomy ; Logoi 1: John the prophet ; Logoi 2: Jesus' empowerment and testings ; Logoi 3: Jesus acquires disciples and alienates Pharisees ; Logoi 4: the inaugural sermon and the centurion's faith ; Logoi 5: Jesus' praise of John and the mysteries of the kingdom ; Excursus 1: the location of the mission speech ; Logoi 6: more controversies ; Logoi 7: woes against the religious leaders ; Logoi 8: discipleship and the kingdom of God ; Logoi 9: the eschatological sermon ; Logoi 10: the mission speech ; Excursus 2: the ending of Matthew as a witness to the ending of logoi ; Excursus 3: how the logoi of Jesus ended ; The logoi of Jesus as literature ; The logoi of Jesus as Papias's second "translation" of Matthew ; The logoi of Jesus as a source for the gospel of Mark ; The logoi of Jesus as a witness to the historical Jesus ; Why the logoi of Jesus and Papias's exposition shipwrecked
  • Appendix 1: text and translation of the logoi of Jesus
  • Appendix 2: concordance to the logoi of Jesus xx
  • Appendix 3: synopsis of the logoi of Jesus and the synoptic gospels
  • Appendix 4: comparison of the critical edition of Q and the logoi of Jesus
  • Appendix 5: exposition of logia about the lord: text and translation.