Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Acknowledgements; Abbreviations; Introduction; Part One Hezekiah via Extra-Biblical Material; Chapter One Regnal Years and Lineage; 1.1. The Regnal Years of Hezekiah; 1.1.1. Overview; 1.1.2. The Date of the Fall of Samaria; 1.1.3. The Date of the Fall of Jerusalem; 1.1.4. Regnal Years of the Latter Kings of Judah; 1.2. The Lineage of Hezekiah; 1.2.1. Relationship to Ahaz; 1.2.2. Relationship to Ataliah; 1.3. Conclusion; Chapter Two The Kingdom of Judah; 2.1. Assyrian Relations; 2.2. The Urbanization of Jerusalem; 2.3. The Siloam Tunnel; 2.4. The LMLK Seals; 2.5. Conclusion.
  • Chapter Three Sennacherib's Third Campaign3.1. Archaeological Evidence; 3.2. The Number of Assyrian Campaigns; 3.3. Taharqo; 3.4. Historical Reconstruction; 3.5. Conclusion; Part Two Hezekiah in the Book of Kings and First Isaiah; Chapter Four The Religious Reform; 4.1. Archaeological Evidence; 4.1.1. Arad; 4.1.2. Beer-sheba; 4.1.3. Lachish; 4.2. Biblical Evidence; 4.2.1. The Report in 2 Kgs 18:4; 4.2.2. The Report in 2 Kgs 18:22; 4.3. The Social Setting of the Reform; 4.4. Conclusion; Chapter Five The Relationship between 2 Kgs 18:13-20:19 and Isa 36-39; 5.1. Relative Priority of the Texts.
  • 5.1.1. Annalistic Account A (2 Kgs 18:13-16)5.1.2. Prophetic Account B (2 Kgs 18:17-19:37 / Isa 36-37); 5.1.3. Hezekiah and Isaiah (2 Kgs 20 / Isa 38-39); 5.2. Editing of the Texts; 5.2.1. Source Division; 5.2.2. Literary Analysis; 5.2.3. The Secondary Nature of "The Fourteenth Year"; 5.3. Conclusion; Chapter Six The Mesianic Oracles in First Isaiah; 6.1. Isa 8:23-9:6; 6.1.1. Overview; 6.1.2. Literary Extent and Structure; 6.1.3. Tense/Aspect Analysis; 6.1.4. Translation; 6.1.5. Function of Isa 9:5-6; 6.1.6. Literary and Historical Context; 6.2. Isa 11:1-9; 6.2.1. Overview.
  • 6.2.2. Literary Extent6.2.3. The Significance of the "Shoot"; 6.2.4. Literary and Historical Context; 6.3. Isa 7 and the Sign of Immanuel; 6.3.1. Overview; 6.3.2. The Identity of Immanuel; 6.4. Conclusion; Part Three Hezekiah in Chronicles; Chapter Seven The Historical Reliability of 2 Chr 29-30; 7.1. The Rededication of the Temple (2 Chr 29); 7.1.1. Authorship; 7.1.2. Material; 7.2. The Passover (2 Chr 30); 7.2.1. Summary Statement; 7.2.2. Other Historical Objections; 7.2.3. Correspondence to Josiah's Passover and Deuteronomy; 7.2.4. Source Material; 7.2.5. The Second Month; 7.3. Conclusion.
  • Chapter Eight The Historical Reliability of 2 Chr 31-328.1. The Reform and the Portions (2 Chr 31); 8.1.1. The Reform; 8.1.2. Distribution of the Portions; 8.1.3. Historical Analysis of the Portions; 8.2. The Invasion of Sennacherib (2 Chr 32); 8.2.1. Hezekiah's Defensive Measures (vv 3-6); 8.2.2. Hezekiah's Achievements (vv 27-30); 8.3. Conclusion; Chapter Nine Hezekiah as a Second David/Solomon; 9.1. The Dynastic Promises to David and Solomon; 9.1.1. Conditional and Unconditional Material; 9.1.2. The Depiction of Solomon; 9.2. The Pro-Solomonic Source of Chronicles.