Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Introducing Authoritative scriptures in ancient Judaism / Mladen Popović
  • Rethinking the Bible : sixty years of Dead Sea Scrolls research and beyond / Florentino García Martínez
  • The "apocalyptic" community, the matrix of the teacher and rewriting scripture / George J. Brooke
  • Authoritative scriptures and scribal culture / Arie van der Kooij
  • From 4QReworked Pentateuch to 4QPentateuch / Emanuel Tov
  • Authoritative scripture as reflected in the textual transmission of the biblical books : the case of 1 Kings 3-10 / Julio Trebolle
  • Quelques observations sur le 'canon' des <<Écrits>> / Émile Puech
  • Reflections on the status of the early Enochic writings / Michael A. Knibb
  • Aramaic texts from Qumran and the authoritativeness of Hebrew scriptures : preliminary observations / Eibert Tigchelaar
  • Daniel and the Daniel Qumran cycle : observations on 4QFour Kingdoms a-b (4Q552-553) / Albert L.A. Hogeterp
  • Pluralism and authoritativeness : the case of the S tradition / Charlotte Hempel
  • Prophecy and history in the Pesharim / John J. Collins
  • Prophet, books and texts : Ezekiel, Pseudo-Ezekiel and the authoritativeness of Ezekiel traditions in early Judaism / Mladen Popović
  • Text and figure in ancient Jewish Paideia / Hindy Najman
  • Ancestral, oracular and prophetic authority : "scriptural authority" according to Paul and Philo / George H. van Kooten
  • "The words of the prophecy of this book" : playing with scriptural authority in the Book of Revelation / Tobias Nicklas
  • From holy books to holy bible : an itinerary from ancient Greece to modern Islam via Second Temple Judaism and early Christianity / Jan N. Bremmer.