Tabla de Contenidos:
  • Cover
  • Half-Title
  • Copyright
  • Title
  • Contents
  • Forword
  • Introduction
  • 1.0 Portrait of Owen
  • 1.1 Teaching in the 21st Century
  • A Working Profession
  • Teaching Knowledge
  • Snapshot: Laura
  • Philosophies of Knowing
  • Teaching as Moral Work
  • 2.0 Leadership and School Culture
  • Leadership in Education
  • Distributed Leadership
  • Gender and Leadership
  • School Culture
  • 3.0 Portrait of Carly
  • 3.1 The What and How of Teacher Leadership
  • Importance of the Idea of Teacher Leadership
  • Origins of Teacher Leadership.
  • Teacher Leadership and the Professional Status of Teaching
  • Snapshot: Katherine
  • Teacher Leadership as a Role
  • Teacher Leadership as Influence
  • Role of Teacher Preparation
  • Teacher Leadership and New Teachers
  • Critiques of Teacher Leadership
  • 4.0 Portrait of Abigail
  • 4.1 Stewardship in Schooling and Teaching
  • Servant, Savior and Steward
  • Servant
  • Savior
  • Limits of servant and savior models
  • Stewardship
  • Stewardship as teacher leadership
  • 5.0 Portrait of Ben
  • 5.1 Stewardship in Action
  • Professional conversations
  • Stewardship within the snapshots and portraits.
  • Stewardship across the portraits and snapshots
  • Closing & opening thoughts about stewardship
  • Author Bio
  • Index.