Tabla de Contenidos:
  • ""Contributors ""; ""Abbreviations ""; ""1 Introducing The Volume ""; ""Part I: General Issues ""; ""2 Theories Of The Syllable ""; ""3 Morpheme Structure Constraints And The Phonotactics Of Dutch ""; ""4 Syllables In Danish ""; ""5 The Syllable In Hindi ""; ""Part Ii: Government Phonology ""; ""6 Head-Driven Phonology ""; ""7 The Syllable In German: Exploring An Alternative ""; ""8 Consonant Clusters And Governing Relations: Polish Initial Consonant Sequences ""; ""9 Hungarian Syllable Structure: Arguments For/Against Complex Constituents ""; ""10 The Latin Syllable ""
  • ""11 Syllables In Western Koromfe """"Part Iii: Moraic Phonology ""; ""12 The Syllable In Luganda Phonology And Morphology ""; ""13 Kihehe Syllable Structure ""; ""14 Dschang Syllable Structure ""; ""15 The Syllable In Chinese ""; ""16 The Syllable And Syllabification In Modern Spoken Arabic (S?AncaÂN̄i ̄And Cairene) ""; ""17 The Romansch Syllable ""; ""Part Iv: Optimality Theory ""; ""18 Syllables And Phonotactics In Irish ""; ""19 A Preliminary Account Of Some Aspects Of Leurbost Gaelic Syllable Structure ""; ""20 Quantity In Norwegian Syllable Structure ""; ""Part V: Other Approaches ""
  • ""21 A Syllable-Level Feature In Finnish """"22 Sieversâ€? Law In Vedic ""; ""Indexes ""; ""Index Of Authors ""; ""Index Of Languages ""; ""Index Of Subjects ""